Everything you need to know about the license plate


In France, the manufacture of a license plate is regulated. The same goes for its use and obtaining it. This component of your car plays a big role. Among the most important is your inability to drive your car if it does not have a plate to identify it quickly and clearly. To avoid surprises, discover important information about it without further delay.

The major role of a license plate

A ua license plate is a component unique to each vehicle equipped with an engine and which is driven on public roads. It is used to facilitate identification and is made up of a series of numbers and letters. These correspond to the identification number of your vehicle in the Vehicle Registration System or SIV.

Its characteristics are defined according to the decree of February 9, 2009. Among the regulations to be respected, there are the characteristics of the license plate. It must be made up of a rigid support which has just been fixed completely immobile to the bodywork of your vehicle. The characters must be clearly visible and presented in the form of stick type without any impasto.

In mainland France, a license plate always contains the letter F in addition to its territorial identifier. The latter corresponds to the logo of the region from which the vehicle comes and also contains the department number.

Its importance under the law

Your vehicle’s license plate is used to identify you as the owner of your vehicle. Also, in case of violation, it is very easy to find you. The authorities also use it to find a stolen vehicle or to define its legality during an inspection. All license plates are identifiable and listed through the vehicle registration system. This system makes it possible to identify with certainty each vehicle put into circulation on the public highway.

Today, reading a license plate is not as easy as it used to be. The series of numbers and letters are arranged completely randomly. The new registration system that we are currently using is not easy to access for an ordinary citizen. On the other hand, the competent authorities can easily decipher the content of your license plate.

Situations involving the change of license plate

It is not compulsory to change license plate when you change city or department. As a result, your vehicle can keep its initial plate throughout its life. This does not mean that your license plate is not attached to any department.

However, if you have a plate that dates from the old registration system, you must update it. That is, your plate must comply with the requirements of the SIV system.

License plate and registration certificate

The vehicle registration certificate contains some information about your vehicle. Among other things, it indicates the characteristics of the latter and validates the legality of its acquisition.

When you make a change to your license plate, you must do the same on your registration certificate. If the change is not notified, you are in an illegal situation. You therefore risk a fine or a sanction in the event of a roadside check .

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